OUR GUARANTEE: All of our products are 100% authentic quality goods and are sourced directly from the manufacturers or approved manufacturer agents. It’s an unfortunate fact that there are other stores and websites who are not selling authentic product – and sometimes they don’t even realize it themselves because they are not purchasing their products directly from the manufacturers. Be safe on the Internet and only shop with reputable retailers.
We believe the best shopping experience allows you flexibility to change your mind about your purchase with us, we can issue you a refund or an exchange to another product.
Kindly take note of the following for refund/exchange/cancellation:
– Returns must not be opened, and is in its original condition when it was delivered to you.
– Returns must be initiated within 7 days after you received your order.
– Returns are not valid for perfume sniffits/testers/skincare/make up products and any products if it does not come with a sealed packaging in its original packaging, due to the nature of these products.
– Returns must be sent back in its original condition and sent back using the same packaging when it was delivered to you.
– If delivery was free when you made the order, a NT$400 /product(domestic) or appropriate (overseas) delivery fee will be deducted from the refund. This rule also applies when recipient at the receiving country refuses to collect item due to various reasons (including refusal to pay custom duties).
– If an exchange is initiated, a NT$400(domestic) or appropriate (overseas) delivery fee will be charged for re-delivery.
– Refunds/exchange are not applicable if the address input was incorrect, incomplete or uncollected, a redelivery charge will be applied to the correct shipping address.
– Due to the nature of perfume testers, cosmetics and makeup products, refund/exchange is not allowed.
To initiate a refund/exchange:
1) Send an email with your order number to admin@perfumestore.sg with an appropriate subject specifying either a request for refund or exchange.
2) Upon receiving your email, our friendly staff will advise you on the return address.
3) Kindly send the returned item(s) to the specified address using the same packaging when it was delivered to you, with a tracking code.
4) Once your return is received and inspected by our fulfillment centers (usually within 72 hours of receipt), your refund/exchange will be processed.
5) If you initiated for a refund, a credit will be automatically back to your account with PerfumeStore in the form of credits within 7 days.
6) If you initiated for an exchange, our staff will process your exchange within 72 working hours of receipt.
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