常問問題 FAQ






3.什麼是 Tester 和 Unboxed?
Tester 與標準產品是相同的產品,與零售價相比以更便宜的價格出售。香水公司希望推廣他們的產品,並將生產Tester瓶,以幫助增加香水的銷售。這些將決不會影響香料的整體質量,因為測試者俱有與常規包裝物品相同的組成。購買Tester是一個很好的方式,以您將喜歡的優惠價格享受同樣的香水!Tester使用普通的白色/棕色盒子。

4. Tester 包裝?


Eau de Parfum(EDP),Parfum de Toilette(PDT):10-20%(典型的~15%)芳香族化合物。有時列為“eau de perfume”或“millésime”
Eau de Toilette(EDT):5-15%(典型的~10%)芳香族化合物
Eau de Cologne(EdC):含有3-8%(典型~5%)芳香族化合物的柑橘類香水

6. 您的網站安全嗎?你收集什麼樣的信息?
是的,我們的網站是安全的。您可以點擊此處查看我們的隱私政策。 我們嚴格只收集您在訂單頁面上提供的信息,即姓名,電子郵件,郵資地址(可選)和聯繫電話。有關更多信息,請訪問我們的隱私政策頁面。

1. Why do we not have a brick and mortar store and why are our prices so low?
We are a wholly Internet-based company with no store front. The reason for this is because we aim to pass the costs savings in store front and etc to our customers. Imagine paying a retailer extra for his rent and inventory, that would be a lose-lose situation for both the retailer and the customers, and the only person laughing will be the landlord. Hence, we came up with this business model.

2. Are Our Perfumes Genuine?
Yes, all our perfumes are 100% Genuine straight from local distributors. O

3. What are Testers and Unboxed?
Testers are bottles of the exact fragrance, and sold at a fraction of the retail price. Fragrance companies want to promote their products and will manufacture Tester bottles to help increase the sale of the fragrance. These will in no way affect the overall quality of the fragrance as testers have the same composition as the regular packaged item. Buying a tester is a great way to enjoy the same exact fragrance at a great price you will love! Testers come in plain white/brown boxes.

4. How are Testers packaged?
Testers are usually packaged in plain boxes, and sometimes does not come with a cap. Testers contents are 100% identical to those in standard retail packages. Testers are recommended for personal use and not as gifts.

5. What does EDT, EDP and EDC mean?
Perfume types reflect the concentration of aromatic compounds in a solvent, which in fine fragrance is typically ethanol or a mix of water and ethanol. Various sources differ considerably in the definitions of perfume types. The concentration by percent/volume of perfume oil is as follows:
Eau de Parfum (EDP), Parfum de Toilette (PdT): 10-20% (typical ~15%) aromatic compounds. Sometimes listed as “eau de perfume” or “millésime”.
Eau de Toilette (EDT): 5-15% (typical ~10%) aromatic compounds
Eau de Cologne (EDC): Chypre citrus type perfumes with 3-8% (typical ~5%) aromatic compounds

6. Is your website secure? What kind of information do you collect?
Yes, our website is secure. You can view our Privacy Policy by clicking here.
We strictly only collect information that you have provided us on the order page ie Name, Email, Postage Address (optional) and Contact Number. For more information, visit our Privacy Policy page.